Are you available? Can you help?
If yes, please make contact to help out with this wonderful day.
St Mary’s Fete
Saturday November 19th 2O16
If you have not had a chance to reply,
please return to school as soon as possible.
The following areas are seeking volunteers:
Food Stalls Bar
P-2 Craft Stall Sand Games (Lucky Dip)
Spinning Wheel Raffle Ticket Sales/Lucky Ticket
Face Painting (stencils provided) Glitter Tattoo Stall Hand Nails
Ride Tickets and Wristband Sales
Please fill out the form on the reverse side of the flyer, indicating your preferred
stall and time availability & return to your child’s classroom teacher by
Monday 14h November.
Thank you so much to those who have already returned this form.
Your support is greatly appreciated! You will be contacted via a note
home prior to Thursday 17th November to confirm your allocated
time (unless contacted you have been rostered for the time you allocated
on your form).
Every volunteer will enter a draw for a “Mystery Voucher”.
Your support is greatly appreciated,
Thank you,
Amanda Greig (on behalf of the 2016 Fete Committee)
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