Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Image result for fete images
Image result for st mary's greensborough catholic primary school
       Are you available?   Can you help? 
       If yes, please          make contact  to help out with this wonderful day.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED St Mary’s Fete Saturday November 19th 2O16 If you have not had a chance to reply, please return to school as soon as possible. The following areas are seeking volunteers: Food Stalls Bar P-2 Craft Stall Sand Games (Lucky Dip) Spinning Wheel Raffle Ticket Sales/Lucky Ticket Face Painting (stencils provided) Glitter Tattoo Stall Hand Nails Ride Tickets and Wristband Sales Please fill out the form on the reverse side of the flyer, indicating your preferred stall and time availability & return to your child’s classroom teacher by Monday 14h November. Thank you so much to those who have already returned this form. Your support is greatly appreciated! You will be contacted via a note home prior to Thursday 17th November to confirm your allocated time (unless contacted you have been rostered for the time you allocated on your form). Every volunteer will enter a draw for a “Mystery Voucher”. Your support is greatly appreciated, Thank you, Amanda Greig (on behalf of the 2016 Fete Committee)

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Thursday, 4 August 2016

RIO 2016
With the Olympics taking place in Brazil this year, Nathan's mother, Linda, joined the Year 5 students in an immersion activity around the Olympics. Linda's own mother, Heidi Sager, was an Olympian in Rome in 1960. Heidi participated in the sprint canoe event and reached the semi finals. Linda displayed some of the Olympics memorabilia gathered by Heidi. We saw an official Olympic Flag from the Melbourne Games 1956. An official flag with the five rings from the Helsinki Games in 1952. The Torch used to light the flame at the Olympic Village in Heidelberg, Melbourne from the Sydney Games 2000 and so much more. What an experience! Thanks Linda and Nathan!!!

Monday, 13 June 2016

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

After a whole Year Level session with Mr. Williams and Miss Cardillo on Google Forms, 5-O learned how to create surveys, collate responses and represent information on a graph. This links in with our Mathematics Unit at the moment, Data. How cool is this new tool and skill!!!

Monday, 6 June 2016

As part of our celebrations for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 5-O students set themselves a class target of raising money for the St.Vincent de Paul Society. Students decided that they would aim to raise between $75 and $81 in order to help those in need. After a fantastic display of empathy and concern for all, from the pupils of 5-O, we raised over $100 for the most needy in our community. WELL DONE TO EVERYONE!!! 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Which book are you reading?
What do you like about your book? What makes you say that?
Can you describe, what you have read, so far, in three words?
Would you recommend this book to a friend? What makes you say that?
What rating, out of five stars, would you give your book? Why?

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Spin the clock hands. Guess the time. Reveal the answer and have some fun!!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Have fun converting between 12 and 24 hour time. Try all the levels. Test yourself against the clock!!!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

What are you looking forward to on Camp?

Please click on link and note down useful information to aid you with Persuasive Writing.

Persuasive Writing

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


Tuesday, 15 March 2016

March 17th of every year is a National Holiday in Ireland. Irish people celebrate their patron saint, St. Patrick. Patrick brought Christianity to numerous Irish people. A tradition on this day is to wear the colour Green and to display a shamrock. The shamrock is the national emblem of Ireland. It is a three leafed plant, that St.Patrick used to explain the Blessed Trinity to the Irish race.

Do you know of any other National Holidays around the world?

Thursday, 10 March 2016

We used the above video as an inspiration for our Narrative Writing. We watched the initial part of the video clip and created, collaboratively, a narrative with a Bold Beginning, a Mighty Middle and an Excellent Ending. 

Sunday, 28 February 2016

According to an Irish tradition, a Leap Year means women can ask men to marry them on February 29th. Do you know of any traditions in other cultures that happen during a Leap Year?

Thursday, 18 February 2016

5-O Prayer Mat 2016
Blessed by Father Steve and Father Dong, designed by all students and used for Meditation in our class. We meditate to make contact with Our Lord in the room we have in our hearts for God.

Why do you think we should make room in our hearts for God?
How can you 'Dare to be a Disciple'?

Sunday, 14 February 2016

STAYING ALIVE IN YEAR 5: This is our class Book Club book for Term 1. Hope you are enjoying Mr.Murlin!!! Please feel free to comment!!

Whole School Theme 2016: DARE TO BE DISCIPLES